I've Made a DECISION
to humble myself and follow Jesus Christ out of my old life.
Pray this prayer out loud, right now.
"Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and I am unable to rescue myself from my own bondages, chains and addictions. I believe by faith that You are the Son of God. I believe by faith that you suffered, bled and died in my place. I believe that you were raised from
the dead with power to redeem me to new life.
I ask you now to forgive me of everything I've done that did not glorify you. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I ask you to fill me now with your Holy Spirit to guide, comfort, correct & strengthen me.. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
II Corinthians 5:17 says You're a BRAND NEW CREATURE in Jesus Christ today! Everything is about to become NEW as you learn & obey the Word of God. He Loves you so much! Don't be afraid of falling. He is with you. We're with you. You'll never be alone again!
We'd like to keep in touch and encourage you. If you're willing to complete our form & type "I've Made a Decision today."
we'll send you The Overcomer's Tool Kit
(A new Bible & a Book to encourage you)
Meet us WEEKLY for our Discipleship Podcasts.
We'll help you grow closer in your walk with Jesus Christ.
You've got to get to know Him! He already knows everything about you (and He loves you anyway!!!)